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Network Analyst Extension

SuperGIS Network Analyst mainly allows users to perform network analysis for all kinds of applications, such as transportation planning, the shortest path to a scenic spot, pipe and cable installation allocation, convenience store location selection, and home delivery services. Suggestions of the most superior routes or the best locations can be obtained through the network analyst results.


Network Analysis
  • Provide eight types of network analysis including Shortest Path, Closest Facility, Service Area, Superior Route Planning, Minimum Spanning Tree, Center Problem, Median Problem and Vehicle Routing Problem.
Shortest Path
  • Support One to One, One to All, and All to All.
  • Support users to set up Start, flags and End on the map straightly.
  • Support to assign order, including return or not.
  • Support users to calculate by time or distance unit cost.
  • Support to present the result in table, containing road name, cost of each segment, and direction.
  • Support to assign Time Windows and whether or not to consider Time Windows in calculation.
  • Support to search the superior route of two flags by Dijkstra and A* algorithm, and provide an adjustable parameter to generate other replacement road.
  • Support to import files of different Weight settings.
  • Support to set up the connectivity of two intersected segments.
  • Support users to set up barriers on the map straightly.
Closest Facility
  • Support users to mark the point (event) used to search the closest facilities with curse on the map.
  • Support users to type quantity of facility to search.
  • Support users to perform searching by time or distance unit.
  • Present in table the relevant attribute data of facility searching result.
Service Area
  • Support users to mark the point on their own.
  • Support users to set up searching range.
  • Support to present the result in road tree for demonstration.
  • Support to calculate by time or distance unit.
Superior Route Planning
  • Support users to mark the Start with curse on the map.
  • Support users to set up whether or not to assign terminal.
  • Support users to set up whether or not to return.
  • The Superior Route Planning supports Nearest Neighbor, Farthest Insertion, Sweep, Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithm.
  • Support to set up distance, time, and weight values of early arrival time and late arrival time.
Minimum Spanning Tree
  • Support users to mark with the curse the Flags and Barriers on the map.
  • Support to present in table the searching result.
Center Problem
  • Support users to analyze the market location by Center.
  • Support users to set up cost calculation of go there or go there and back.
Median Problem
  • Support users to analyze market location by Median.
  • Support users to set up cost calculation of go there or go there and back.
Vehicle Routing Problem
  • Support users to straightly mark vehicles and flags on the map.
  • Support to assign Time Windows, stay time and cargo weight of flag.
  • Support to set up Time Windows and maximum loading of vehicle.
  • Superior Route Planning supports Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithm.
  • Support users to calculate by time or distance unit cost.
  • Support to present in table the searching result, containing road name, segment cost and direction of each vehicle coming over, total distance and time of the vehicle.
  • Support to set up weight values of travel time, early arrival time, late arrival time and overloading.

Icon of Spatial Statistical Analyst Geoconnect Spatial Statistical Analyst Geoconnect (942.1 KiB)