Geoconnect is a specialist GNSS Dealer and offers Rugged Computing and Software Solutions

Mobile GIS

Mobile GIS extends the traditional indoor GIS manipulation to the outdoor work and provides a mobile outdoor operation platform for field surveyors to collect, modify, and measure the spatial data in an easy and effective way.  Supergeo uniquely offers complete GIS product selections to satisfy the field surveyors who have various needs and to assist them in diverse survey tasks.

Proposed Solutions

SuperSurv mobile survey system, integrating GIS and GPS technologies is a mobile GIS system for surveying field data, which works on mobile devices with Android OS. The main functions include data collection, orientation, map display and waypoint guidance.

SuperGIS Mobile Engine a mobile GIS SDK, is suitable for the advanced users who have the ability to develop mobile GIS applications and higher customization demand for mobile GIS functions.

SuperPAD is a feature-rich mobile GIS application. SuperPad provides complete mobile GIS functions and receives the data from the server side to offer services. It’s designed for the field workers who need to cope with advanced tasks.

SuperGIS Mobile Viewer is a  free viewer for Android  that allows you to use the services published with SuperGIS Server 3.1 as well as WMS services available online.